
Culture is definded as : the customary beliefs, social forms, and material traits of a racial, religious, or social group; also: the characteristic features of everyday existence (as diversions or a way of life} shared by people in a place or time (

I love what America Ferria says about culyure. For all the differnces they are also very much alike.  Yes, there are the unique parts of every culture but at the end of it all it is about love and respect.

I really related to this movie, "Our Family Wedding" because I am half Mexican and my husband is half black. Although our wedding was not nearly as entertaining as theirs we can watch this movie and see our families in it. Even now, we still have a "clash"of cultures. But we have decides that America is supposed to be the melting pot of the world so our culture is the American culture.


"There is a culture in this country whether spoken or unspoken that manifests itself in everything we say, do, or think. For example, in the United States we expect to compete in every aspect of our lives. At the same time we expect to compete, we also expect to be given equal opportunity to grow to our potential. We believe we all have equal rights under the law. We expect American Industry to put out a quality product and for our Nation to be a leader in the world. Sometimes we even find ourselves "on the soap box" spouting expectations of our Nation's performance or the performance of American Industry not realizing that unless we each live up to these expectations, our Nation and our Industries cannot. Frequently, many of our competing interests and our strong desire to ensure Individual Freedom, result in extraordinary events taking place that can only be explained by the expression: "Only in America"."  (

I chose this article because it does explain the over all American culture. That is why I think even tho we have small differences in our culture the basic foundation is the same.

Okay, we are different it's true.
And I don't like to do all the things that you do.
But here's one thing to think through,
You're a lot like me and I'm a lot like you!
-- Robert Alan